Group Leader: Junior Prof. Lennart Hilbert, PhD
(he/him, Hilbert is last/family name)


Office North Campus
Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems – Biological Information Processing

Building 319, Room 142
+49 721 608 22887

Campus South: Zoological Institute
Building 30.43, Room 703

Meetings upon arrangement

Paper mail address
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems (IBCS-BIP)
Campus Nord, Geb. 305
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Parcel delivery address
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems (IBCS-BIP)
Campus Nord, Geb. 319
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

How to get to the Hilbert Lab

The lab is located at KIT Campus North in building 319. It is not trivial to get there – please bring passport/photo ID, and read these instructions before you start your journey! First, you need to get to “KIT Campus Nord Südtor” in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (yes, no longer Karlsruhe). By car, please program “KIT Campus Nord Südtor” into google maps, or “Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1” as the street address. By public transport, you first want to get to “Blankenloch”, then use the bus 195 (direction “Leopoldshafen”) and get off at the stop “KIT Campus Nord Südtor”.

Now, when you have made it to outside the security gate, go to the reception (“Anmeldung”) to get your visitor’s pass. Either we pre-arranged this, or have the reception call to IBCS-BIP for confirmation. Next, you will need to navigate to building 319, indicated in square B8 of this map (please save the map to your phone or print it, you will need it). The way to building 319 takes about 3-5 minutes on foot. As you approach, you will notice sculptures in various colours, the building entrance is just next to those sculptures. To access the building, you can dial the phone numbers 23429 (lab phone) or 22887 (office Lennart Hilbert) at the intercom right next to the entrance. If you get lost, please call the lab at +49 721 608 23429. You can also walk around the left-hand side of the building, our lab is located on the ground floor, and try to wave to somebody inside so that we can come open the door for you.

Once you obtained your visitor pass, you can also use the shuttle service between Campus North and Campus South for free. The schedule is here, the according stops are indicated by a green “H” on this map. It can sometimes be late or cancelled, maybe do not rely on the last one to get home at night!

Disclaimer: This website is not reviewed or endorsed by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, hosted privately, and as a consequence is not legally binding. The official Hilbert lab website is located with the Biological Information Processing division of the Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems.