We have opportunities for creative and committed applicants at any career level, with experimental, theoretical, computational and/or any other background you feel might contribute to our research vision. Most importantly, we are looking for the readiness to prioritize exciting scientific questions over discipline boundaries.
In our search for candidates, we would like to access the whole talent pool – meaning that we especially hope for applications from women and also minorities, disadvantaged individuals, or persons coming out of a not-so-straight career path. Your applications will be given special attention; please indicate such relevant circumstances if not obvious from your application, so they will be considered. Please send formal inquiries and/or full application packages to lennart.hilbert@kit.edu, but also feel free to informally email, tweet, and message, or simply cold-approach us at meetings.
Below, we post some specific positions, but we are always open to discuss possibilities for internships, thesis students, student assistant positions, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, visitors … please just get in touch even if none of the below fits your criteria!
MSc internships and theses: We can host MSc internships and theses for a number of MSc programs. For the MSc programs in Biology at KIT, the Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics international MS, and also the EUCOR international program (Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg, Karlsruhe) internships and theses are very easy to arrange. We are also happy to arrange for Internships outside these programs on a case-by-case basis. Please feel free to reach out by email to lennart.hilbert@kit.edu.